
GlenM <glenmill...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am sure that someone out there has done this before - I *think* I am
> on the right track.
> I have a directory full of emails. What I would like to do is read
> each file in, then parse them into a CSV style file.

Quick aside: you can use the $. builtin variable to get the line number instead 
of keeping track of it yourself.

Since you asked for suggestions, here's my $0.02:

Putting mails line by line into a CSV files seems futile to me, since the 
number and position of mail headers is variable.

If you want to create a database of your mails or do some other sort of data 
mining I would suggest that you look at something like the MIME-Tools bundle[1] 
to do the actual parsing and the concentrate on doing something useful with the 
extracted information.


1) http://search.cpan.org/~doneill/MIME-tools-5.427/lib/MIME/Tools.pm

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