On Apr 14, 5:22 am, shawnhco...@gmail.com (Shawn H Corey) wrote:
> C.DeRykus wrote:
> > And, here's the doozy for me as I tried remembering:
> >       If the final value specified is not in the sequence that the
> >       magical increment would produce, the sequence continues
> >       until the next value is longer than the final value specified.
> >                                      ^^^^^^
> > So, in the OP's 'u'..'z' example,  the expansion stops at 'yz'
> > because another increment would be 'za' which is 'longer'
> > than the final value specified'; whereas, 'yz' isn't:
> Actually, no.  "z" is in the sequence, so it stops there.
> Try:
> for ( 'u' .. ' ' ){
>    print "$_ ";}
> print "\n";

No,  the OP was talking about the *second* 'for' loop of course --
the first loop which obviously works.

   OP> In the following code, the second for loop actually counts way
   OP> passed what I expected, and actually stops at "yz" and not "z"
   OP>  as expected.

The 'u'..'z'  mis-identifies the loop but the context is clear as to
loop was being discussed.

Charles DeRykus

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