On Mon, Mar 05, 2012 at 07:42:24PM -0800, David Christensen wrote:
> On 03/05/2012 07:19 AM, lina wrote:
> >Which books are the best perl books you have ever read?
> 1.  Learning Perl -- this book gets you up the initial learning
> curve. Read it cover to cover, enter and play with the example code,
> and do the exercises:
>    http://shop.oreilly.com/product/0636920018452.do
> 2.  Perl Cookbook -- this is a source book of example Perl code,
> organized by topic/ task.  The code is idiomatic, and the explanations
> are excellent.  This book will give you the understanding and confidence
> you need to start writing useful Perl scripts:
>     http://shop.oreilly.com/product/9780596003135.do
> 3.  Programming Perl -- this is the language reference manual.  Use it
> to look things up when you need the hard-core explanation.  The 4th
> edition just came out:
>     http://shop.oreilly.com/product/9780596004927.do
> > Is the books wrote before 2006 a bit older, are there much changes in
> > the last 10 years for perl?
> 1.  I started with Perl 5.4 in 1998, progressed to 5.6 and 5.8, and
> now use 5.10.1.  The language fundamentals have remained stable over
> the years.  New versions have added more polish and a few key
> features. Most of the changes I've noticed have been in the add-on
> libraries (CPAN).
> 2.  One of the primary reasons I learned Perl was WWW programming.
> Many modules and frameworks have come (and/or gone) since I started,
> but I still prefer the old-fashioned way -- CGI.pm on Linux, Apache,
> and/or MySQL.  I read the LWP book a few years ago and discovered
> HTML::Tree, which I now use for templates.  (I previously used
> HTML::Template.)
> 3.  Perl 5 includes primitives for building object-oriented systems
> (blessed references, inheritance, dispatch).  I buried myself under
> plain Perl 5 OO for many years, but recently started using Moose.
> Moose takes the drudgery out of Perl 5 OO and allows you to think
> and code at a higher level -- good stuff!

might also be a worth a read.  I'd say it's fairly up to date.  



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