I seriously think you've found a feature and you don't know what it is
and just want to use it because it's there. Please read this:

After you're done, I recommend this in your shell rc:
stty -ixon

On Thu, Jun 6, 2013 at 12:49 PM, Robert Wohlfarth <rbwohlfa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 6, 2013 at 11:29 AM, Nemana, Satya <snem...@sonusnet.com> wrote:
>> Thanks Travis, Shlomi , Shawn, Luca, and James.
>> The program pauses i.e does not run further when I press Cntrl –S
>> When I press Ctrl-Q again, the program resumes excactly where it was when
>> I hit cntrl-q.
>> It is not a deamon, but a simple automation program and it is single
>> threaded , goes on sequentially.
>> I need to try out the programs that you suggested .
>> However I don’t accept that the program will be running in the background
>> when I press Ctrl+s.
>> In the below example, once I start the program after seeing “i is 5” on
>> the output, if I do ctrl+s, the output resumes at I is 6 even if I  press
>> ctrl+q after a minute or so.
>> I expect it to print out till say i=65 during the 1 minute and I see the
>> output all at once when I do ctrl+q
>> I tried out a simple shell program and  it  also seems to be the same.(as
>> the perl one)
>> Is it that if the program is multi threaded or something like that that
>> the program will keep to print even though I have paused  the screen?
> Your program doesn't write to the screen. Your program writes to a buffer,
> which the operating system then copies onto the screen. Ctrl+S tells the
> operating system to stop copying data from the buffer to the screen. It does
> not stop your program from writing to the buffer. So your program keeps
> running and writes the numbers sequentially into the buffer.

I think "copy" is the wrong way to think about it. I would say
directed. But if that explanation works for someone, fine.

> If you want to pause the actual program, then try Ctrl+Z. On a unix/linux
> box that will work. See
> http://www.gnu.org/software/bash/manual/bashref.html#Job-Control for more
> information.

I sorta implied this with disown, but I shouldn't have - there's not
much need to put jobs in the background anymore - use screen or tmux
(it'll save you countless headaches - something locking a file and you
end up fuser the file and find the pid is in the background of some
terminal, vim complaining there's a swapfile and you end up redoing
stuff because you didn't realize it was already open, leaving tail -F
hainging out for days, etc). Use these old unix functions if you want,
but it's unwise (humm, no - it's just plain idiotic) to do so.

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