> On Jul 9, 2015, at 8:27 AM, Nagy Tamas (TVI-GmbH) <tamas.n...@tvi-gmbh.de> 
> wrote:
> Hi,
> So I have a better version. But if it goes down in the recursion tree, at the 
> end it goes into infinite loop,
> because there is no other dir inside the last dir in the tree. At this point 
> it has to step back. But instead
> of stepping back it goes into infinite loop. Why?
> sub Traverse
> {             
>                 if( opendir(DIR, $dir) ) {
>                                my @files = readdir(DIR);
>                                closedir(DIR);
>                                foreach my $file (@files) {
>                                                # generate XML here
>                                                $actualdir = $dir . "\\" ;
>                                                next if (($file eq '.') || 
> ($file eq '..'));
>                                                print $file;
>                                                if((-d $actualdir.$file) and 
> ($file !~ /^\.\.?$/) and ($file ne ".") and ($file ne "..")) {
>                                                                # make dir 
> branch
>                                                                $newpath = 
> $actualdir.$file;
> $writer->startTag("Folder", "Name" => $newpath);
> Traverse($newpath, $writer);
> $writer->endTag("Folder");
>                                                } else {
>                                                                # make file 
> branch
> $writer->emptyTag("Object", "Name" => $actualdir.$file);                      
>                                                }
>                                }
>                 }
> }
> Tamas

It is because you are calling the Traverse() subroutine with two arguments to 
recurse a directory tree, but you are not using the arguments. Each call to 
Traverse uses the global $dir variable as the root of the tree, so it will 
never terminate.

You need a statement such as this near the top of your routine:

  my( $dir, $writer ) = @_;

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