do u have any recommendation on module to use? what i wanted is to login
ssh using username,password but in script
no key, no non-interactive


On 13 February 2018 at 23:38, Chas. Owens <> wrote:

> On Tue, Feb 13, 2018 at 1:19 AM Lancelot Mak <>
> wrote:
>> #!/usr/bin/perl -W
>> use SSH::Command;
>> $cmdln = `grep $ARGV[0] list.txt`;
>> chomp($cmdln);
>> ($cmdhost,$user,$pass) = split(':',$cmdln);
>> $p = `echo $pass|base64 -d`;
>> chomp($p);
>> $cmdlog = ssh_execute(
>> host => $cmdhost,
>> username => $user,
> password => $p,, i
> command => "$ARGV[1]",
>> );
>> print $cmdlog;
>> print "\n";
> Testing on a Mac OS machine, the I found it consistently prints out 8192
> characters.  This should be immediately recognizable as a magic number (8k
> or 2**13).  This tells me that SSH::Command (or the underlying libssh2
> library) has an 8k buffer and once it is full, it no longer returns any
> data.  Looking at the code for SSH::Command, I see the following function:
> # Execute command and get answer as text
> sub execute_command_and_get_answer {
>     my ($ssh2, $command) = @_;
>     my $chan = $ssh2->channel();
>     $chan->exec($command);
>     $chan->read(my $result, 102400);
>     chomp $result; # remove \n on string tail
>     return $result;
> }
> This looks like a fixed read (albeit a longer one that I expected, so
> there is probably a fixed buffer in libssh2 too), so that is likely the
> problem.  Changing the function to read until an end of file is detected:
> sub execute_command_and_get_answer {
>     my ($ssh2, $command) = @_;
>     my $chan = $ssh2->channel();
>     $chan->exec($command);
>     my $result = "";
>     until ($chan->eof) {
>         $chan->read(my $buf, 4_096);
>         $result .= $buf;
>     }
>     chomp $result; # remove \n on string tail
>     return $result;
> }
> seems to fix the problem.  I am filling a bug against the module, but
> given that the last release was in 2009 and the most current version is
> less than 1.0 (0.7), you may want to find a different module to use.

Lancelot Mak
Used to compete
Lord to complete

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