On Mon, 8 Jul 2019 at 13:45, Eko Budiharto <eko.budiha...@gmail.com> wrote:
> dear all,
> first of all, thank you for the respond of my inquiry. And then, there
> is a few questions I would like to ask:
> 1. if someone takes your works and then he steals the credit by claiming
> the work is his work instead of your work, what will you do?

1. Check the relevant licenses or contracts you issued your code under.
2. If they are in contravention of these, threaten them with a lawsuit .
3. If possible, follow through with lawsuit

> 2. if someone has a problem, he does not want to try to find a way to
> solve the problem first, and then he asks your help and then problem
> solved, then he is blaming the person who already helped him and
> claimed, that is his work. what will you do?

1. Refuse to offer them future support

Understandably, both of these situations are not nice to be in.
However, the hard reality is you *cannot* protect code from
unscrupulous agents who you've given it to beyond legal manners.

No more than you can prevent somebody from modifying a vehicle you sold them.

You can make it more difficult, and you can perform various legal
moves (Copyright law, Trademark violations, Patent Law) to
deter/restrict it, but you cannot prevent the act.

Take the humble padlock. If you think you can make a 100% secure
padlock, you're kidding yourself. There's a collection of youtube
channels of people defeating these in various ways, some of them are
defeated in *comically* short time. I doubt there are many, if any,
that are completely immune to attack.

The time and money invested in these are frequently a total waste.

They only serve as a *deterrent* against all but the most persistent attacker.

Because "The lock is only as good as the thief is honest".

Sure, it does make sense to have some sort of arbitrary deterrent, but
what will _you_ do after you spend all this time investing in said
deterrent, and your user trivially defeats it on day 1 *anyway*?

Its not like you leave your house unlocked, but ultimately, if the
lock is broken, what will you do then?

If your lock is defeated and your stuff is stolen, that's when you
call up the legal system.

Software is not a whole bunch different.

The only way to completely secure something against a user meddling
with it against your wishes, is simply to put it in a place they can't
execute *any* attacks.

As then, they have to violate your physical security to contravene the software.

( What are you going to do if an aggrieved user bashes down the door
to your server cabinet and steals your hard drive? You'll call the
police. Software isn't exactly going to save you here. But it might
help you if your hard drives are encrypted. But you're still gonna
need to call the police )


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