It's probably best if you write a short script
that reads a __DATA__ section of data.
Then tell us what it does and what you expected
it to do.

Off hand I don't see anything wrong with your regex,
but I don't know what you expect it to do.


On 9/8/2019 4:34 PM, Jim Gibson wrote:
On Sep 8, 2019, at 1:30 PM, Gautam Desai <> wrote:
Do you guys have any pointers ?
        $t =~ m{
                (               # capture matched number in $1
                  \d*   # match zero or more decimal digits
                  [05]  # followed by a '0' or '5'
                )               # end of capture
                (?:             # followed by either:
                  \D            # a non-digit
                |               # or
                  $             # the end of the string

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