> On Nov 15, 2020, at 2:42 AM, Marco Shaw <marco.s...@gmail.com> wrote:
> https://metacpan.org/source/RCL/Varnish-CLI-0.03/lib%2FVarnish%2FCLI.pm
> I don't know if I'm doing something wrong.  I'm trying to use this CLI 
> against an upgraded Varnish server and it seems the new version is built with 
> a secret being required to connect remotely.
> I think the relevant sections are below.
> For #1, I couldn't find any examples online, but my guess is I can just 
> modify my like this:
>     my $varnish = Varnish::CLI->new( secret => 'ENTER_LONG_STRING_HERE' ); 
> It asks for the contents of my secret (/etc/varnish/secret) file which is 
> GUID-like and I entered that directly in the line above.  I tried with both 
> single quotes and none.

Try reading the contents of the /etc/varnish/secret file into a variable and 
pass that to the new() method:

        my $secret;
            local $/;
            open my $fh, '<', ‘/etc/varnish/secret or die "can't open secret 
file: $!";
            $secret = <$fh>;

> If I have #1 right, I think I've confirmed a "107" is being returned with a 
> telnet session, but it doesn't appear that #2 is working right as this comes 
> directly on the screen:
>     "Connection failed: authentication required, but no secret given\n" 
> I don't understand this syntax:
>         if( not $self->secret() ){ 

$self appears to be an object, normally a pointer to a hash.
$self->secret() executes a call to the object method secret() and returns a 
value, which is probably the secret key.
( not $self->secret() ) is a logical expression negating the value returned by 
the secret() method.

Therefore, as you have correctly surmised, the expression will evaluate to true 
if $self has no secret value. 

> My guess is it evaluates if my secret variable is empty?

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