Turritopsis Dohrnii Teo En Ming writes:

> If I want to learn Perl programming language from scratch having
> totally no knowledge of it, how long (in terms of months or years)
> would it take before I can confidently and proficiently modify
> Virtualmin and Webmin code?

Good day from Japan :)

It's been a while since I learn perl from scratch, but I'm in a small
team maintaining a perl web app. Speaking for my 2 of my team mates with
no prior perl knowledge, with some basic amount of face-to-face
mentoriong, they roughly spent 3 weeks bootstraping themself before they
feel confident enough to work on some tasks independently. They both
already have some knowledeg about programming in some mix of C, Python,
Java, Javascript, bash.

It's perhaps partially because that the app isn't awefully big and the
code base has been carefully written to be not to be stuffed with
useless junks (almost no dead code paths). Yet I feel they are doing it
very well and learn pretty fast, but nonetheless that's 2 reference

Since you are targeting Virtualmin/Webmin, which is web-based, I'd say
it's much easier to start from knowing the relationship between URL and
their corresponding subroutines since those are entry points, then learn
how to read / write arbitrary log messages in subroutines. That would give
you some read-eavl loop to know if whatever new code you put in is
producing things the way you want.

Given that the installation instructions aren't always perfect,
preparing for a dev env is often one of the most time-consuming part,
you might want to ask their devs if there are some pre-made packages,
container images, or any means that can help to shorten this period.

Good luck and have fun learning Perl :)

Kang-min Liu

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