On Mon, 2022-08-01 at 14:50 -0600, William Torrez Corea wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 1, 2022 at 8:16 AM Christian Walde
> <walde.christ...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > On Sat, 23 Jul 2022 21:03:18 +0200, William Torrez Corea <
> > willitc9...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > 
> > My goal: I want to create
> > 
> > 
> > Being that you barely know anything about Perl, you should start
> > with
> > learning how Perl works by reading Modern Perl and Ovid's Beginning
> > Perl.
> > 
> > Right now you're doing the moral equivalent of asking how to draw
> > Mona
> > Lisa's eye when you don't even know which end of a paint brush
> > paints.
> > 
> > --
> > With regards,
> > Christian Walde
> > 
> Do you have some roadmap that I can follow?. I receive the basics in
> my
> class of computation (control structure, data structure, algorithms,
> syntax, tools). I certainly have experience with C but never I make a
> long
> program in Perl.

I'm not sure what you're asking.  Maybe that's because you don't really
know what you need to ask.

If you want to learn how to program in perl, it doesn't matter how long
the program is except that it is probably easier to start with short
programs.  You can probably learn it the same way you learned
programming in C.

If you are asking how to make programs in perl long, I would say make
them the same way as you make short programs and don't make programs
any longer than they need to be.  And then, it depends on what you're
programming, because it can make sense to use object oriented
programming and/or modules to efficiently create programs which appear
much shorter than they actually are.  That can have the benefit of re-
using the code and/or to put code into separate files so that the whole
thing becomes more managable.  In a way, it's like using #include in C.

Programs, over time, tend to get the more longer than they were to
begin with --- no matter the language they're written in --- the less
clear and defined their purpose is before you start programming. The
clearer and the more defined their purpose is before you start
programming, the easier and the shorter they will end up, and the
easier and shorter they are, the more manageable they remain.  The more
manageable they remain, the better, and I dare say that the easier,
clearer, shorter and more tightly defined a program is, the better the
program is.

So I guess if you start worring about learning, just start programming
and you'll figure it out, because doing it is the best way to learn it,
and you will then know what you need to ask.

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