> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jorge Goncalvez [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Subject: re:Regexp needed
> hi, i have this:
> my ($Path) = $MountsPath =~ /(.+?)cygwin/;
> but I wanted to get rid of the "/".
> because $MountsPath could be c:/cygwin or c:/xyz/cygwin or 
> c:/xyz/zyx/cygwin and 
> i wanted $Path = c: or c:/xyz or c:/xyz/zyx .
> And now $Path= c:/ or c:/xyz or c:/xyz/zyx.
> How can I do ?
> thanks.

Just add the "/" to your match outside the grouping, like so:
  my ($Path) = $MountsPath =~ /(.+?)\/cygwin/;

Hope this helps...



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