> -----Original Message-----
> From: siren jones [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Subject: simple file reading question
> I have a file containing a list of names, for example:
> S2000123456.met
> S2000123457.ozone
> S2000123458.hdr
> S2000234569.met
>    .
>    . etc.
> I'm looking for a short way to read these filenames onto an array.
> I tried:
> my @fils = <$indir/filename>;
> ..... but this just gives me the name of my input file
> I can do this, but it seems cumbersome.
>      open LF or die "Can not find file: \n $infile $!\n";
>       sysread LF, $filename, 50000;
>       @imgs = split(/\n/,$filename);
>       close (LF);
> Thank you in advance.
> -s

You're right, that does seem cumbersome.  This solution isn't as nice and
neat as what you'd like, but maybe it'll seem less cumbersome that what you

my ($file, @files);
while (defined($file = <>)) {
  chomp ($file);
  push (@files, "$indir/$file");

Hope this helps...



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