> -----Original Message-----
> From: michael [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Subject: text editors
> Speaking of text editors, anyone know of a good one that has
> line #ing 
> for W2K? Free, of course (I am a student).

I'm still testing a number of them myself, but so far I like ConTEXT for
PERL editing.  It's freeware, and has some nice features, including
customizable execution keys (I use one to run my script in a console, and
another to capture information in the output window).  You can get it at:

> BTW - this is a list that is really worth reading. You guys
> (and you know who you are) are fantastic. Some of the
> explanations offered here are so clear that even I can
> understand them!

I completely agree with you on that!

Hope this helps...



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