Anette Seiler [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] quoth:
*>>From the command line I start the script with "perl". Now I 
*>have to enter some text. I just enter any text, either by typing or by 
*>cutting and pasting. I do not enter any strange characters or 
*>newlines. I just type in some text. I even take care to just use 
*>normal characters - no numbers, umlaute or anything else strange. 
*>As you can see, I did not play with $/.
*>As I wrote in my initial mail, the answer I get is not the answer I 
*>expect. Whenever my input is more than 256 character, instead of 
*>printing everything I entered, it prints only the last part of what I 
*>entered, everything after character 256. The first part is chopped off.

I believe you :) It's a 'feature' of Sun's terminal driver which only
allows lines of 256 characters.

A workaround would be to force a linewrap at 74 chars or read $_ from a


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