if ($^O =~ /^(ms)?(win|dos)(32|nt)?$/i){
                eval q{ 
                        use lib "N:/xxx/perl_lib";
                        use Win32::Process;
                        use Win32::Event 1.00 qw(wait_any);

                        $follow = 0; # used in find command
                        $follow_skip = 0; # used in find command

                } else {
                eval q{ 
                        use lib "/xxx/perl_lib";

                        $follow = 1; # used in find command
                        $follow_skip = 2; # used in find command

Here is my question, $follow and $follow_skip I want to be a global variable
in the scope of the perl script I am running.
If I put a my in front of the declaration wouldn't it only be in the scope
of BEGIN or would it be in the scope of the entire script? How can I declare
it so that use strict; and use warnings; won't complain?

(This has to be a global variable for I use it several subroutines and is OS

Nikola Janceski

Too many of us look upon Americans as dollar chasers. This is a cruel libel,
even if it is reiterated thoughtlessly by the Americans themselves.
-- Albert Einstein (1879-1955) 

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