At 02:19 AM 3/14/02 +0100, Jenda Krynicky wrote:
> > 3) If I bless %self out of the "Tie::Hash" space and into the
> > "APC::Event" space, are the "Tie::Hash" functions going to stop
> > working?  (I assume so.)
>You can't bless a hash, you can only bless a reference.
>What you end up with after your constructor is something like :
>         APC::Event=HASH(0x1a7f148) reference
>pointing to
>         a hash
>tied to a
>         Tie::DBI=HASH(0x486454) reference
>pointing to
>         whatever data Tie::DBI needs to store.
>         $obj->Foo()
>calls the APC::Event::Foo() subroutine and
>         $val = $obj->{foo}
>calls Tie::DBI::FETCH() subroutine with the
>Tie::DBI=HASH(0x486454) reference and 'foo' parameters.

Damian Conway's Regexp::Common module does more or less exactly this.  I 
just finished reading the Perl Conference proceedings on it (yes, in places 
I am that far behind) and hope to make a full recovery :-)

Peter Scott
Pacific Systems Design Technologies

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