> -----Original Message-----
> From: richard noel fell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Subject: problem with directory listing
> Below is sample code that does not work as I intend, the 
> intention being
> to list all the sub-directories in a given directory.
> #!/usr/local/ActivePerl-5.6/bin/perl5.6.1 -w
> use strict;
> my $mw;
> my $menubar;
> my $algebra;
> my @file_array;
> my $dir_to_process = "/home/rfell/mathprogram";
> opendir DH, $dir_to_process or die "cannot open $dir_to_process: $!";
> foreach my $file (@file_array=readdir DH){
> if( -d $file){
> print "$file is a sub-directory of $dir_to_process \n";
> }
> }
> closedir DH;
> The  problem is that only . and .. are listed. No other 
> sub-directories,
> which are in fact there, are listed. I surely am missing something
> simple here. Can anyone enlighten me?
> Thanks, 
> Dick Fell

I tested this on Win2k, ActiveState Perl 5.6.1, build 631, and had a similar
problem.  I did some further testing and got some interesting results.  Here
is what I found:

When run from c:\home\rfell\mathprogram, it showed all the directories.

When run from the root of C:\, it showed ., .., and the first subdirectory I

When run from c:\home, it showed only . and .. as directories.

When run from a network drive, it showed only . and .. as directories.

All the subdirectories ARE listed in the array, but somehow the file test
descriptor is not being applied correctly or something.  I haven't looked on
ActiveState's site to see if this has been reported previously, but it seems
as though it definitely merits further investigation (or a better
explanation of why this is happening).

Hope this helps...



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