Are you sure you know what this 'if' statement is doing?
It always evaluates true. and the m/$litem/$matchitem/i shouldn't be in

    if($litem, "/$matchitem/"){  ## always true
     $PNdString =~ "m/$litem/$matchitem/i";  ## not a pattern match if it's
in quotes
     print (OUTFILE "$PNdString\n");
     print(OUTFILE "$litem\n");

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Anthony Saffer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, September 18, 2002 9:04 AM
> To: Perl Beginners List
> Subject: Question about Error
> Good Morning Everyone,
> Got another question: I wrote my first Perl script last night 
> and it seemed to be error free on Windows. But when I 
> uploaded it to Linux (RH 7.3) it threw an error that I don't 
> understand. From a Google search it seems there could be a 
> number of problems and I am not experience enough to know 
> which. The error I am getting is:
> Nested quantifiers before HERE mark in .... then it gives my 
> regular expression followed by the first line of the file.
> I THOUGHT this code was right. But obviously it isn't. Can 
> someone tell me why line 29 would be throwing this error or 
> WHAT the error means? The entire code is below. Thanks again 
> for all the help. This list has been a lifesaver.
> Anthony
> my $PNdString = "";
> sub process_files{
>  open(FH, "< $_") or die("Error! Couldn't open $_ for 
> reading!! Program aborting.\n");
>  open(MTH, "< /home/losttre/sorted.txt") or die("Error! 
> Couldn't open $MTH for reading!\n");
>  open(OUTFILE, "> temp.dat") or die ("Couldn't open temp 
> file! Aborting\n");
>  @MTH = <MTH>;
>  @fcontents = <FH>;
>  foreach $matchitem (@MTH){
>   foreach $litem (@fcontents){
>    if($litem, "/$matchitem/"){
>     $PNdString =~ "m/$litem/$matchitem/i";
>     print (OUTFILE "$PNdString\n");
>    }
>    else{
>     print(OUTFILE "$litem\n");
>    }
>   }
>  } 
> print "Done\n";
> }
> find(\&process_files, @ARGV);

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