The error you have is you didn't use the module that already does this for

use Data::Calc qw(Days_in_Month);

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Charlie Farinella [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, September 30, 2002 5:13 PM
> To: Perl Beginners
> Subject: Last day of Month
> I have an error popping up in an application that runs monthly reports
> and everymonth seems to leave off the last day's entries.
> The subroutine that determines the last day of the month is here:
> sub GetLastDayOfMonth {
>       my( $sec, $min, $hours, $mday, $mon, $year ) = 
> localtime( $_[0] );
>       return timelocal( 59, 59, 23, $monthDays[$mon], $mon, $year );
> }
> This is over my head and I'm hoping someone might look at 
> this and point
> out any errors they might see.  Either an explanation of 
> what's going on
> here, or a pointer to appropriate documentation would also be
> appreciated.
> thanks.
> -- 
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> ----------
> Charlie Farinella, Appropriate Solutions, Inc.
> 603-924-6079
> -- 
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