
this splits $_ on the , and moves the first element to the 9 position.

ie. $_ = '111,222,333,444,555,666,777,888,999,000';
        will now be returned as an array (222, 333, 444, 555, 666, 777, 888,
999, 111)
notice: no matter how long the $_ is and how many , it has it only returns 9
elements where the first one is moved to the last place and the rest gone..

I think you can guess what:

does now.

as for sorting.. remember that for the sort() function any sorting
subroutine (anonomous or referenced) must return -1, 0, or 1. It took some
practice to get it down the first time, but after that I am now the Sort
King in my office when it comes to Perl.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Patrick Salmon [mailto:pat@;salmonfamily.org]
> Sent: Monday, October 28, 2002 10:41 AM
> Subject: Decoding code.
> I've been working on sorting by IP Address in an output file 
> that comprises field1(hostname), field2(hosttype), IP Address.
> print
> map{sprintf(("%d.%d.%d.%d,"x2)."%s\n",(split/,/)[1..8,0])} # 
> Break the IP addresses into numeric strings. Do it 2 times.
> # Is the '"%s\n"' identifying the final (text) field? Then 
> it'll  'split' the record on each delimiting comma.
> sort
> map{sprintf"%s".",%3d"x8,(split/\W/)[8,0..7]}
> # Put it back together in the same field sequence? Don't 
> quite see how the "USA" entry is being put back into the string.
> # Why 'split', and not 'join'?
> <DATA>
> What's really causing my head to ache is not fully 
> understanding what the [1..8,0] and [8,0..7] values are doing 
> and their effect upon the resulting string. Does the '8' 
> value reflect the total number of IP fields to be worked on? 
> What's happening with the final string of text?

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