I have to unsubscribe from the mailing list due to incompetence of others
(not you).
Basically the sysadmin turned off the Auto-Archiver on everyone's Outlook
because someone lost an important e-mail to it.
And we are forced to use Outlook (what I would do for a POP3 server at our
work place)...

so unless you gurus out there have any ideas how I can Perl my way into
organizing my e-mail via Outlook, (without admin privs), I am going to have
to rely solely on my skillz and books. E-mail me direct if you have an idea,
as of this e-mail I am unsubscribed.

(no I don't want to do the digest because it's not as fun!)

Good luck to all,

Nikola Janceski

Research is what I'm doing when I don't know what I'm doing.
-- Wernher Von Braun (1912-1977) 

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