Mark G <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> $target = "somefile";
>> if($opt_r){
>>   open(FH,">$target") or die "Cannot open $target: $!";  
>>     print FH CPAN::Shell->i;  
> you can try IPC::Open2.

That looks like the stuff.  Apparently the pod author felt it was
criminal to supply even a very basic example.   Thereby creating a
situation where anyone not already a programmer must stumble around
endlessly trying to figure out the syntax to get some use of it.

I really do appreciate those few outlaws who put usefull examples in
the documentation.

Its not clear to me what to do after this:
$pid = open2($wtr, $rdr, 'CPAN::Shell->i');

while(<WHAT GOES HERE>){
  print AND_HERE "$_\n";
FH is not normally represented as a scalar variable.
What role does $pid play?

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