> my $return = do_wrap('hello');

Doesn't this have to be MyCommon::do_wrap('hello'); ?

When running it, the error: Undefined subroutine &main::do_wrap


>> How can I reuse a subroutine?
>> My environment is redhat 9, apache2, perl-5.8.0-88, mod_perl-1.99_07-5.
>> I've tried to put the sub in a separate file and call it from another as
>> below. Please modify the snipet below to make it work.
>> mycommon.pl
>> -----------
>> #!/usr/bin/perl
>> #return a value wrapped by single quotes
>> #should this be declare package something?
> Okay, I am going to come back around to this, because it's actually been
> crawling under my skin for a few days now.
> You see, I did some functional modules before I started using package
> statements, and they worked just fine.  The subs defined there could be
> addressed very simply by their name.  I've al;so done quite a bit of much
> more careful OO work using the package statement.  Turns out that I had
> never really tried anything between, like functional modules within
> packages.
> You can do it without the package statement, and a post I sent a few days
> ago, but deeper in the thread hierarchy, showed a version that worked.
> Thast still left something lacking, and I couldn't see what I was missing.
> After quite a bit of bumbling around through old scripts, I noticed the
> crucial line that was missing.  In this case, it was:
> our @ISA = 'Exporter';
> which is what brings the import function into the namespace of the
> package.
> So here is what I've come up with as a sort of bare minimum for using
> functional packages without having to prepend each function call with a
> package name:
> in MyCommon.pm:
> package MyCommon;
> use strict;
> use warnings;
> use Exporter;
> our @ISA = 'Exporter';
> our @EXPORT = qw(do_wrap);
> sub do_wrap {
>     my $retval;
>     if(length($_[0]) == 0) {
>       $retval = "null";
>     } else {
>       $retval = "'" . $_[0] . "'";
>     }
>     return $retval;
> }
> 1;
> In test_my_common.pl:
> #!perl
> use strict;
> use warnings;
> use MyCommon;
> my $return = do_wrap('hello');
> print "$return\n";
> Greetings! E:\d_drive\perlStuff>test_my_common.pl
> 'hello'
> Greetings! E:\d_drive\perlStuff>
> Joseph

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