Hello everyone.  I tried to post this already to googlegroups
but it seems there must be something wrong since I didnt get
any replies (maybe I did something wrong). So, here's the

I am starting to use Maketext for a Website and i have
the following situation:

Supose english is my default language so all my calls
look like this:

$out = maketext("You won [quant,_1,point]");

Now, for every different language, I want to know if
this text is not translated yet.

Right now, if that key is missing on my french lexicon
the text in english is being returned without throwing
any kind of exception.  Actually, if I understand
correctly, it is supposed to work that way.... right?


If so, what's your advice? Would it be easy to override
the maketext method so I can log this missing entries?

Thank you very much,


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