> All, 
> How can I print certain fields delimited by ' '?
> In awk I would write awk '{print $1, $6}' filename
> Here is an out file that I want to grab data from :
> 04/29/04 11:00:28 [  6687:ebexpire, [EMAIL PROTECTED] E00796   9840S  537  
> 2B0234233543E6A4
> 04/29/04 11:00:28 [  6687:ebexpire, [EMAIL PROTECTED] E00830   9840S  571  
> D402325A8345ABDE
> 04/29/04 11:00:28 [  6687:ebexpire, [EMAIL PROTECTED] E00066   9840S  127  
> 5202333193B75CBB
> 04/29/04 11:00:28 [  6687:ebexpire, [EMAIL PROTECTED] E00501   9840S  168  
> 4B0233BABA5813F6
> I want fields one two and six or the date, time and E string.
> Does it matter whether I use a foreach or a while (<filehandle>)  ?

Here is one way... other posters with more experience may show better

This way accesses a slice [elements 0,1,5] of the array represented in
each line by way of the split function.  It splits those elements into
the vars on left hand side.

In perl unlike awk, one needs to tell perl what you want it to do.
Where as field splitting is done automatically by awk.  The perl way
actually allows more versatility but possibly more coding, as is
nearly always the case between perl and awk.

#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w

open(FILE,"./yourdata") or die "Can't open FILE: $!";
while (<FILE>) {
  ($fld1, $fld2, $fld6) = (split(/\s+/,$_))[0,1,5];
   print "<$fld1> <$fld2> <$fld6>\n";

You could leave out the `chomp' and the printing of "\n" but I like to
first remove newlines then add them back as needed to avoid surprises
produced by newlines, sometimes at unexpected places.

A whole other approach might be to use perls (included) a2p program
that prints a perl script from an input awk script.

Look at the ouput from running `a2p test.awk' to get some idea of what you'll
get.  Where test.awk looks like:

cat test.awk

  #!/usr/bin/awk -f

  {print $1, $2, $6}

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