
My original regex to match ips is this:
 "$_ =~ /^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}/;", which is ok. But matching dns name
is still a problem. 

K.Prabakar's  suggestion looks good but also failed the test:

"$_ =~ /^\w\w*-?\w+?[\.\w\w*-?\w+?]*$/",

 It will match an invalid dns name like this (host-.domain.com) as a valid.
I'm still working on it, but will welcome any other suggestion.


||-----Original Message-----
||From: Steve Bertrand [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
||Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2004 5:24 PM
||To: K.Prabakar
||Subject: Re: Regex to match valid host or dns names
||>> example below, it fails to match "host-no.top-level" as a valid host
||>> name. I modify the regex several times - but still don't get the
||>> right
||>> outlook.
||>> my @hosts = qw( localhost
||>> another.host.domain
||>> host-no.top-level my.host.domain.com);
||>> foreach (@hosts){
||>>     # Works ok
||>>     push (@ips, $_ ) if $_ =~ /^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1|3}/;
||>>     # Can't match "host-no.top-level".
||>>     push (@dns, $_) if $_ =~ /^\w+-?[\w+]?\.?[\w+.{1}]*\w+$/;
||>> }
||I'm just beginning to learn a bit about some of the more obscure
||regex's, but I'd like to ask if this following regex would ensure no
||IP's got trapped in the @dns array? (Assuming that no .tld ends in a
||push (@dns, $_) if $_ =~ /^\w+-?[\w+]?\.?[\w+.{1}]*[a-zA-Z]{2,3}$/;
||>  /^\w+-?[\w+]?\.?[\w+.{1}]*\w+$/------>Here you look for only one "-"
||> and
||> also not allowing any other non-word charaters(like hyphen).
||> The "." can match any character even other than "-" .
||> You can think like this:(For IP's)
||>                          search for a number with maximum 3 digits and
||> then followed by the same kind of 3 numbers but prefixed with a dot.
||> Try this ---> $_ =~ /^\d{1,3}[\.\d{1,3}]{3}/
||> You can think like this:(For DNS's)
||>                         search for a WORD which may(-?) contain hyphen
||> within it and then followed by the same kind of zero-or-more-WORDs
||> but prefixed with a dot which is a normal dns name pattern.
||> Try this ----> $_ =~ /^\w\w*-?\w+?[\.\w\w*-?\w+?]*$/
||> But this will allow IP's also in your "@dns" because \w can match
||> digits
||> also.
||> --
||> Regards,
||> K.Prabakar
||> --
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