On Thu, 30 Sep 2004 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Yes it does .... great thank you!  But a few more things.  Once I 
> create my code, how do I pass a data file in a different program to a 
> specific routine that lives in a different file?

That's really up to you. 

You can have a way to pass the name of the file to that subroutine, 
which would then open & operate on it, or you could read in the file and 
pass the relevant contents to your routine. Which approach to take 
depends on how you want to design your system.

I think I'd tend towards passing the file name and letting the method 
handle getting the data, but it's not a strong conviction, and in some 
cases I'd go about it in other ways. 
> am I supposed to respond and post at the bottom of you answer?

It's preferred, but I see that you're using Lotus Notes, and I've been 
forced to use Notes long enough -- about 90 seconds before I cried 
"uncle" -- to realize that it makes it really annoying to compose 
conventionally formatted emails.

So in your case, from this account, don't worry about it too much. 
Getting Notes to do the right thing is too painful, and I sympathize.

If you want to "do as the Romans do", maybe you can sign up for a Gmail 
account or something that would be more flexible...

Chris Devers

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