This is what I had:

@found = remote_cmds ("find $remdir  -name '*.zip'");

print "@found" look like this:


@found is neither a list nor string, so it is not handy to deal with.

 In scalar context, the command returns 1 (true), in list context it returns
a list of files (one per line).
 But the value of @found is not a list, but I can't split it either.

 I tried: @splitted list = spilt /\n/, @found; # didn't work!
@splitted list = spilt / /, @found; # didn't work either

Has anyone an idea on how split the return? 

sub remote _cmds {

        my $cmd = shift;

        my @ret = ssh_cmd ({
                             host => "$host",
                     user => "$user",
                     command => "$cmd"  
            }) || die "$!";

            return @ret;


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