
Have you looked at Bioperl (www.bioperl.org)?
It is goldmine of tools for bioinformatics tasks.

Correct me if I'm wrong but do not the Swiss-Prot and UniProt have the same dataformat? You should therefore be able to use something like:

$stream = Bio::SeqIO->new(-file => $filename, -format => 'swiss');

  while ( my $seq = $stream->next_seq() ) {
    # do something with $seq, like
    print "Sequence ",$seq->id,"\n";

where $filename contains the name of your flatfile.

Then you can just use DBI to insert each sequence to database.

Best regards, Gretar Mar

SG Edwards wrote:


I am writing a perl program that will extract data from a UniProt  (this is a
protein database!) flatfile so that I can automatically put data into my
PostgreSQL database. I am taking out name, protein ID number, references etc
from the file.

Does anyone know if there is a script available to do this already?

Many thanks,


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