> This is the multi line pattern in which I wish to match:
> <tr>
> <td><b> String </b></td>
> <td><img src="pics/green.gif" alt="OK"></td>
> <tr>

One way to solve this would be to read lines from the file and save
chunks of N lines (4 in this case) in a temp variable. Then your regex
would operate on enough of the file to have a chance of working.
Something like (untested):

my (@lines, $num) = ((), 4);
while (<INPUT>) {
  push @lines, $_;
  shift @lines if @lines == $num+1;
  print 'lines '.($.-$num+1).' to '.($.)." match\n"
    if join('',@lines) =~ /regex goes here/;

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