Bryan R Harris wrote:
>>> I'm having trouble with this, and I'm sure someone out there has a
>>> really clever solution-- 
>>> I have a hash, %data, with, say, 32 elements.
>>> From that, I need an array going from 01 to 32, i.e. 01, 02, 03,
>>> 04, etc. 
>> The real question is what are you attempting to do? With the hash,
>> you can have totals and any other info, pulse you have the key as
>> part of what is going.
> I'm building a script that will split a file into a bunch of little
> pieces, based on very specific and custom criteria.  The hash holds
> the data, e.g. $data{"32.52,53.21"} would hold all the data
> pertaining to that key ("10 20 30\n40 50 60\n"), and I want to write
> these little files out.  I want to number the output files based on
> the number of hash elements, but I want them to be zero-padded so
> they line up in file lists.  The rest of it works, I'm just having
> trouble coming up with the zero-padded numbers! 
> - B

        Then use sprintf and what you believe to be the largest number you 
would process in a day.  If less than a thousand, then a sprintf "%03d" would 
zero pad and allow up to 999 entries per day. If over a 1000, then change to 
%04d to get almost 10,000 elements in a day.  You could use the hash and the 
array element to hold what you want to do:

                $data{key}[0] = file number
                $data{key}[1] = data for file.

        Now you can sort the key or not and then do something like:

        my $MyFileOut = sprintf "%03d", $data{key}[0];
        # now $MyFileOut is say 001 and you can open and write the data using 
[1] for the data.

Just a thought.

Wags ;)

Wags ;)

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