Anish Kumar K. wrote:


This program I use to get the last line from the log file "cipe.log".
and then write the line onto a text file "a.txt"

system("tail -1 cipe.log > a.txt");
open INPUT,"a.txt";
my $line=<INPUT>;

then I open the text file and read the value from the file handle.

This invloves cumbersome process. I need to avoid writing to a file the
o/p of the system command. Is there a way to assign to some variable...

Use the File::ReadBackwards module:

use File::ReadBackwards

my $bw = File::ReadBackwards->new( 'cipe.log' )
    or die "Cannot read 'log_file' $!";

my $line = $bw->readline;

John -- use Perl; program fulfillment

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