> Examine your concept of "reside in".  You appear to be confused with
> modules that use the Exporter.  You don't.  I believe you'll find that
> you use SomeOther::Module *before* using Configuration in the main program,
> which means that the assignments haven't taken place yet.

A-ha! Some days I am dumber than other days :) Everything was exactly as you 
described. In this light I have a couple of additional questions. 
This one is about my Tools.pm which uses Exporter and delivers a set of 5-
10 line subroutines for stupud tasks (number rounder, strip commas from
numbers, commify them back, customized html entity decoder etc etc etc).
What I am currently doing is automatically exporting ALL these subroutines
(using fairly descriptive names to avoid clashes) and use Tools; in all
modules that might benefit from them. Pretty standard. However I do not
understand if importing just a subset of just the necessary functions is
beneficial in terms of speed. What I am thinking is that since every single
function IS going to be used sooner or later by at least one of the modules,
and since EVERY module is called at least once from the main program over
its runtime - the entire Tools.pm is being processed anyway and wether I
import all functions or just a few makes no difference on the entire
picture. Or am I wrong? 
And if I am, and specifying explicit imports for each module is beneficial - 
is Autoloader applicable to this situation? I've seen tons of examples of 
how OO can benefit from calls to non-existent instances, but I didn't see a 
single usage of Autoloader in a non-OO envirnoment which leads me to believe 
that it is not applicable.

Thank you.


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