On 6/9/05, Wiggins d'Anconia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 4. Speed/Forking: because backticks causes a fork, you are using system
> resources in a way you wouldn't necessarily need to if you were able to
> use a built-in function. When Perl forks, it forks an exact copy of the
> running process and then transitions to the new command (at least on
> *nix systems) which may cause use of memory resources, file descriptors
> (which include open sockets to databases or possible remote locations),
> and other system level attributes that you wouldn't otherwise need. And
> the memory footprint of the running process includes all loaded modules
> so could be quite large. When running a forked system command, the perl
> interpreter has to fork, then exec the shell, the shell then has to
> parse the command line (which unless you have seen the parsing map you
> wouldn't believe how long this takes), then it has to fork and exec
> again into the running process, that process may then have to do its own
> option parsing, etc. which all could have been avoided by using the
> internal method. So it is almost always slower to call a system command
> when an internal method is available. Finally each call to
> system/backticks is independent, meaning that depending on the command
> being run and the optimizations of the alternatives there is no
> potential to use caching, session management, etc. to improve
> efficiency. Although system/backticks are written correctly in Perl 5,
> if you are using your own fork/exec model and don't include sufficient
> 'wait' code then your system may also become swamped by zombies,
> eventually causing a locked system, assuming you don't hit the memory
> limit first.

You (well, I) learn something new every day. That's kind of funny,
actually, (to me) that backticks load all the modules in use again
just to run hostname.

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