On 6/14/05, Karyn Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Below is code that I found on the web that I slightly modified. I am trying
> to create a script to remove from a file (tlist) the items in another file
> (tnames). This works but I have multiple files (tlist) I need to check
> against. I'm not sure how/where to put the loop and would appreciate any
> help. I am also wondering why the hash ? Does it work better in  the script
> than an array and what are the keys in this case as the files (both) are
> just lists of e-mail addresses.

If you're not set on using perl for all of this, grep (if available)
can do a lot of the work for you:

# create fake suppression lists
> perl -e 'print "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" for "d" .. "p";' > exclude1
> perl -e 'print "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" for "C" .. "F";' > exclude2
# create fake email list
perl -e 'print "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" for "a" .. "z", "A" .. "Z";' > source
# print emails in the list not in either suppression list
grep -f exclude1 -f exclude2 -v source

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