(I'm mailing this after posting through Google Groups.  I didn't see it
get posted, so I'm sending email instead.  I hope this doesn't double
post.  If it does, I'm sorry.)

Hi Perl folks,

  I am trying to write a wrapper script around an executable file so
that I am able to better control the results of other programs calling
that file.  I have written a short and easy script that collects the
options in a log file, and then execs the original command (just for


use strict;
use warnings;

my $datestampe = localtime(time);

open LOG, ">>/tmp/options.log" or die "Can't open /tmp/options.log:
print LOG "$datestamp: Command and options: $0 @ARGS";
exec( '/usr/bin/original-executable', @ARGS);

However, I have found that some open the original file in a pipe.  Is
there a way I can view the contents of what is being sent through the



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