On 8/2/05, Ram <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a situation where a CGI script has to start an independent perl
> script and exit without capturing the output or waiting for the exit code.
> It doesnt make any practicle sense to me as this perl script takes good 6
> hours to run and my CGI script obviously shouldnt keep the user waiting.
> exec command doesnt seem to work, nor system command combined with
> ampersand(&) in command.
> I tried
> exec("command");
> and also
> system("command &");
> Niether seemed to work, for the reason which I assume is, since it is a CGI
> script and webserver waits until this script exits and then displays the
> results to the browser. What was thought to be a simple thing is becoming a
> huge problem.

What does it do exactly? Does it hang? What are the permissions on
this other perl script? Does the user the cgi script is running as
(presumably 'nobody') have permission to execute that script?

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