On Sep 12, ganesh said:

This is the warning messge I am getting when I executed my script. Please find my analysis of the above warning


Line 1:  20(1): 125-126
Line 2:  20:125-126


Line 1:  <volume>20</volume>(1): <fpage>125</fpage>-126
Line 2:  <volume>20</volume>:<fpage>125</fpage>-126

My Code:


The warning message is being caused by your use of $2 in the right-hand side of the s///. It's uninitialized in the case of Line 2, because a capture group that is optional -- /(\(\d+)\))?/ in your regex -- stays undef if it isn't matched. You can get around this by doing this instead:


The '|' inside the 2nd capture group -- (\(\d+\)|) -- is an alternation, and since there's nothing else after it, it means "or match the empty string". This is an easy way of keeping the (NUMBER) part optional without causing $2 to be undef if it isn't matched.

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