On Sep 29, mark berger said:

hey list. i stuck with gererating a wordlist from a changing
multidimensional array. each entry in the array contains a list with the
possible values.

You want a "cartesian cross product". And there's a module out there that does just that: Set::CrossProduct.


Sample use:

  use Set::CrossProduct;

  my $iterator = Set::CrossProduct->new(['a','b'],['c'],['d','e','f']);

  my @wordlayout = $iterator->combinations;

@wordlayout will be an array of array references (like ['a','c','f']). To turn them into strings, you could do:

  my @wordlayout = map join("", @$_), $iterator->combinations;

any hints on how to solve this? probably using recursion but i got no
idea about it right now. and sorry for my bad english, hope i can make
my problem understandable.

It would be a fun exercise to do this on your own, and yes, recursion is the most obvious way to do it.

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