On Oct 5, Bobby Jafari said:

1     $result = $session->set_request (
2     -varbindlist => [ "${secPvcBulkModeOid}.${nextVcatIndex}" ,
9#                      "${secPvcUpdateTimeOid}.${nextVcatIndex}" ,
OCTET_STRING, '# 0x0C 0x01'
10#                     "${secPvcUpdateTimeOid}.${nextVcatIndex}" ,
OCTET_STRING, "$keyUpdateTime"
11                      "${secPvcRowStatusOid}.${nextVcatIndex}" ,
INTEGER, "4" ] );

The line with OCTET_STRING as the data type, is giving me grief.
According to the MIB definition, it should be in the form of  # 0xHH
0xMM Where HH and MM are hour and minutes in Hex format. My guess is
that the set-request is expecting a string but somehow PERL is passing
it as ASCI characters or ...

Try sending it as "# 10 1" and see if it works. The Net::SNMP docs only show ONE example of using OCTET_STRING, and I'm not really sure what its rules about using "0x.." are. If that fails, try "# \x0c \x01", which is using actual hexadecimal escape sequences to produce character 10 and character 1.

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