On Oct 6, Nath, Alok (STSD) said:

        Here's a simple script that is suppose to read a file and
changes a particular string.

Opening a file for read/write doesn't mean you can do in-place edits just like that. If you want to do simple in-place editing, here's an example:

    local @ARGV = ("Test.txt");  # the files to edit
    local $^I = '.bak';  # a backup extension (use "" for no backup)

    while (<>) {

I made two changes to your code. First, there's NO good reason to write code like:

  if ($str =~ m/this_pattern/) {
    $str =~ s/this_pattern/that_string/;

You should just write

  $str =~ s/this_pattern/that_string/;

The other change is that the regex makes sure that it doesn't change "Ethernet0.connectionType_changed" to "Ethernet0.connectionType_changed_changed" by making sure that the "Ethernet0.connectionType" is not followed by "_changed" -- that's what the (?!_changed) part of the regex is doing.

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