On Oct 28, Bowen, Bruce said:

I see where you can test for a match in a string of data using the If ( )
statement, but can you use it with an 'index' statement?

The index() function is for finding a string in another string. Patterns (regexes) are not allowed.

$DD = "5000|SIHHTEXT"

I've tried $d = index($DD, m/[^\d]/);
           $d = index($DD, /[^\d]/);
           $d = index($DD, [^\d]);

You want the location of the first non-digit?

  my $non_digit = ($DD =~ /\D/) ? $-[0] : -1;  # -1 means not found

(See 'perlvar' for an explanation of $-[0], in the @- array.)

will be or if there will be any cents.  I need to extract the dollar / cents
out from the text.  Any suggestions as to how that can be done?

That's much simpler:

  my ($money) = $DD =~ /^(\d+\.?\d*)/;

That will match the numbers at the beginning of the string, optionally allowing for a decimal point (\.) and digits after it.

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