On Nov 25, Lorenzo Caggioni said:

I made some changes in the program (delete eval, edjust subs... )

Now the program takes less then 3 sec but it loses all the structure...

The main thing that increase performance is delete the eval("fun name").
I do it in this way because the name of the function is retrived from a
is there another way to recal a function retrining his name from a variable?

Yes, it's called a dispatch table:

  my %functions = (
    abc => \&do_this,
    def => \&do_that,
    ghi => \&do_something_else,

Those \&... things are REFERENCES to functions.  So you do:

  while (my @row = get_stuff_from_database()) {
    # assuming $row[0] is abc or def or ghi
    # that is, $row[0] holds the nickname of the function
    my $code = $functions{$row[0]};


So when $row[0] is 'abc', we call do_this(...).  Etc.

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