I see. Thanks Shawn. Since we are at it, would you mind explaining a little bit
about the significance of "our" keyword. I have never understood it properly.
Most books that I referred to say that it's a "lexically-scoped global
variable". What does that mean? I understand global variables to be the ones
which are accessible to all perl program units (modules, packages or scripts).
But then, what is so lexically-scoped about it?

"our" is a declarative statement. It works like this:

  use strict;
  package Foo;
  $bar = "Hello";

Running "perl -c" on above gives the following error:

  Global symbol "$bar" requires explicit package name

This error is only raised if "use strict" is in effect (which it always should be!) $bar is a global variable in the package Foo, so it's "fully qualified" name is $Foo::bar, so let's fix the program:

  use strict;
  package Foo;
  $Foo::bar = "Hello";

Ok, now this compiles without error.

Now add this:

  use strict;
  package Foo;
  $Foo::bar = "Hello";
  our $bar;
  print $bar;        ==> prints "Hello"

All the "our" statement does is to tell Perl that "from this point forward, I want to be able to refer to the global variable $Foo::bar by the short name $bar." That's it. The declaration is lexically-scoped, which means you can refer to $Foo::bar as simply $bar at any point between the "our" statment and the end of the innermost enclosing block, file, or eval.

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