On 12/28/05, Khairul Azmi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> That one works using a solution
> I found on the web but the problem is when I tried to pass the argument to a
> function declared in the same file, the argument somehow became null.

> sub sample_function {
>     print "go in $_\n";           <-----  $_ is not the first argument, which 
> is $_[0]
> }

>         sample_function($line);    <---- when passing the arguments,
                                                       the callee will
see @_ = ($line)

So you probably fix your code, by doing

sub sample_function {
    print "go in $_[0]\n";


sub sample_function {
    my $arg = shift; #  removes the first element of @_ and returns it
    print "go in $arg\n";

It is all there in C<perldoc perlsub>.

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