Brian Volk wrote:
Excellent summary of most methods at


James Turnbull

Hi All,

I'm running through the example of Date::Calc on the site listed above.
When I plug in today's date as my birthday... it returns: I am -31 days old.
I would have guessed "0" days old.  Can someone pls explain this to me?

(localtime)[5,4,3] stands for [$year, $mon, $mday] correct?

    use strict;
    use warnings;
    use Date::Calc qw(Delta_Days);

    my @today = (localtime)[5,4,3];
    $today[0] += 1900;

    my @birthday = (2006, 4, 6);

    my $days = Delta_Days(@birthday, @today);

    print "I am $days days old\n";

    exit 0;

Thank you!>

perldoc -f localtime

       localtime EXPR
               Converts a time as returned by the time function
               to a 9-element list with the time analyzed for the
               local time zone.  Typically used as follows:

                   #  0    1    2     3     4    5     6     7     8
                   ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) =

               All list elements are numeric, and come straight
               out of the C `struct tm'.  $sec, $min, and $hour
               are the seconds, minutes, and hours of the speci-
               fied time.  $mday is the day of the month, and
               $mon is the month itself, in the range 0..11 with
               0 indicating January and 11 indicating December.
               $year is the number of years since 1900.  That is,
               $year is 123 in year 2023.  $wday is the day of
               the week, with 0 indicating Sunday and 3 indicat-
               ing Wednesday.  $yday is the day of the year, in
               the range 0..364 (or 0..365 in leap years.)
               $isdst is true if the specified time occurs during
               daylight savings time, false otherwise.

Hope it helps.

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a.k.a Greven, TuxPower                         One decree that stands alone
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                    The laying down of arms
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