> On Fri, 07 Apr 2006 16:02:53 -0400, Oliver Block <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> >> I understand regex, but the following fails:
> >> open PAGE, 'c://redcross.htm';
> >> while( my $line = <PAGE> ) {
> >> $line =~ /Health and Safety Classes/
> >> print "$1\n";
> >> }
> >
> > What fails? Your forget a ';' after the regex but I guess that's not
> > what you
> > mean!? :)
> >
> Now that was pretty basic.  So now that script runs, but I get the full
> page.  I was trying to limit the result to the words /Health and Safety
> Classes/ that appear on the page.  How do I get there?

$1 refers to the first parenthesized group in your regular expression.
So if you change your code to look like:

  if ($line =~ /(Health and Safety Classes)/) {
    print "found a match: [$1]\n";

then $1 will refer to the literal text inside the parens. Obviously,
$1 matches more interesting things once you include some


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