On 6/16/06, Alan_C <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
1 'build'  slack build slackbuild sbuild pkg

2 'build'  slack build slackbuild sbuild pkg

3 'build'  slack build slackbuild sbuild pkg

4 'kernel'  slackware 2.6 kernel howto

5 'kernel'  kernel compile install 2.6

6 'build'  building a linux kernel from source

7 'kernel'  building a linux kernel from source
for my $keyline ( @lines ) {
    my $filename = shift @$keyline;
    for my $search ( @search4 ) {
        for ( @$keyline ) {
            if ( /$search/ ) {
# How to not have duplicated keyword lines?
# the next line I don't understand.  How to get it hash like?
                push @{ $data{ $filename } }, $_; # I think this line cause
#                print ++$found_tally . " " . $search,@$keyline, "\n"; #
prints keyline 4 ea found
                print ++$found_tally," '$search'  @$keyline\n\n";

Notice that the first three matches are the same, and the word build
occurs 3 times in that one @$keyline array. Sounds like you want to
stop looping over [EMAIL PROTECTED] after your first match.


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