Hi Anish

The following example works and I have tested it.

use CGI;
$cgiObject=new CGI;


print $cgiObject->header(-charset=>'',
                        -Expires=>'-1d' ,
                        -attachment=> $filename,


open ZIPFILE, "$filename" || die "Can't open $filename for reading";

binmode (ZIPFILE);


print @file;

close ZIPFILE;


-----Original Message-----
From: Anish Kumar K. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, July 11, 2006 7:04 PM
To: Nagasamudram, Prasanna Kumar
Cc: beginners@perl.org
Subject: Re: Specify download file name

Hi Prasanna

Thanks for the reply. But that is not helping me in the situation


Nagasamudram, Prasanna Kumar wrote:
> Hi Anish
> Can you try adding the following to your $cgiObject->header ?
> -attachment=>'$filename.zip',
> And changing
> -type=>'application/zip'   to -type=>'application/octet-stream'
> [PS : The above is not tested]
> Thanks
> Prasanna
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Anish Kumar K. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Tuesday, July 11, 2006 3:43 PM
> To: beginners@perl.org
> Subject: Specify download file name
> Hi
> This is somewhat easy question I feel but for some reason I am not 
> getting this
> The issue is I am using CGI to download a file, I am setting the
> as this
> print 
> ,-'Cache-Control'=>'private, 
> max-age=0');
> the download works fine. But the issue is the file name it is coming
> the filename...say when I download I am geting "downloadwav.pl".
> which is the file name of the perl file. Is there a way I can specify
> file name, It is a zip file.
> I tried this
> $file_name="attachment.zip";
> print "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename = $file_name\n\n";
> Not working...any help
> Thanks
> Anish

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